Investment Services
Consistently and reliably achieving investment strategy return objectives over time
This is the investment management arm of the Chrome Wealth Group. It holds a FSP Category ll license to manage client portfolios on a discretionary basis, and hosts the Chrome Wealth Onshore Funds.
It offers a range of CPI + targeted unit trust strategy funds.
As an FSP Cat II asset manager, it also offers the discretionary management of direct security portfolios, both locally and globally.
Chrome Wealth Strategy Solutions (Pty) Ltd is an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP number 44971).
These solutions offer stockbroking and discretionary portfolio management, both onshore and offshore.
The global investment-management arm of the Chrome Wealth Group is based in Mauritius. It holds a discretionary investment-management license to manage global funds and portfolios.
A range of targeted unit trust strategy funds is registered and licensed under an Irish Collective Asset Vehicle license, and with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority in South Africa.
This service covers the management of call accounts and notice deposit accounts.
Analytics Consulting is Chrome Wealth’s contracted investment-consulting services provider. As such, we retain effective control over the role that Analytics performs and can ensure that the agreed strategy is applied to the management of our clients’ funds.
While Analytics Consulting is our preferred portfolio management partner, we also use Acsis/OMMM, Fundhouse and Portfoliometrix.
The Chrome Wealth Investment Platform is a new-generation digital investment administration platform. While it is similar to other investment platforms, it enables the Chrome Wealth Associates to implement client investments and service their clients in a seamless and paperless environment.
This offers numerous benefits to our clients and financial planners. These include efficiency, accuracy, cost savings and service.
The Ecosystem Chrome Wealth And Investment Association
The Investment Philosophy
The Chrome Wealth investment philosophy is underpinned by four critical and integrated pillars.
They are the basis for all investment decisions, as we constantly seek to find the most appropriate fund managers to manage client portfolios.
The research and investment management of the various investment strategies is outsourced to Analytics Consulting.
Searching for good-quality securities.
Using a valuation-driven approach to ensure that the quality securities are acquired at the right value.
Working to ensure appropriate risk diversification across asset managers, asset classes, geographies and securities.
Focusing on a long-term investment horizon, allowing the investment strategy to achieve its objectives.
Investment Strategies
We have established a range of investment strategies to deliver your required specified-target returns. In each case, these returns are relative to inflation within agreed timeframes and risk parameters.
The fund managers to whom we allocate funds have control over each of their subcomponents of the portfolio. This control allows them to align investment philosophy with your long-term strategy and the return you require to achieve your objective. This significantly increases the probability that this objective will be achieved.
Because the strategy funds are managed for optimal efficiency, the associated costs are generally lower than other similar funds. In addition, Chrome Wealth can significantly reduce client administration costs through pioneering investment administration services.